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Star Wars: 10 Tragic Deaths In The Clone Wars I Still Haven't Recovered From

Star Wars: 10 Tragic Deaths In The Clone Wars I Still Haven't Recovered From

Here are ten deaths in Star Wars: The Clone Wars that still pack an emotional punch years later. In my view, Clone Wars is the best Star Wars TV show to date. It features amazing characters, storylines, annd humor, all while enhancing the franchise’s lore in an incredible way. It’s also deeply emotional, which may surprise those who thiink animated shows are just for kids. The series tackles many dark subjects on deep levels, chief among them being death.

George Lucas knew better than to underestimate children. When he chose to make a TV show exploring a war, he made death a key part of it, and the saddest Star Wars deaths often come when it feels like they could have been avoided. Here are the ones that shook me to the core, some made out of sacrifice, some from vengeance.



He died trying to expose Order 66

Died in

Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 6, episode 4 – “Orders”

The death of Fives is probably considered the saddest clone death in the series. The Domino squad member got wrapped up in the inhibitor chips conspiracy during season six and went on the run from The Republic. Fives had his chip removed and would be sent to Coruscant for further evaluation. He was then drugged and framed for trying to assassinate Chancellor Palpatine. After trying to explain the situation to Anakin and Rex, Commander Fox and his squad shot Fives in the chest, leaving him to die in Rex’s arms. This scene is among the most heartbreaking of the series.

Fives’ death carries phenomenal weight, because he came so close to exposing Order 66. Everybody believed Fives’ apparent paranoia was due to the removal of his chip when, in fact, he was right about everything. He was the last of the Domino squad to fall, but a brother’s sacrifice is so memorable for its heroism.

“This…it’s…bigger than any of us…than anything…I could’ve imagined…I never meant to…I only wanted to do my duty.”

“Brother. Fives. Stay with me, Fives. Fives!”

“The mission…the nightmares…they’re…finally…over.” Fives to Rex before he dies, Season 6: Episode 4: “Orders”



His sacrifice to save Kamino is legendary

Died in

Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 1, episode 5 – “Rookies”

Hevy, as his name would indicate, was a clone who was a heavy hitter. His ascendance as the leader of Domino squad started in basic training. He loved using the z-6 rotary blaster canon and taking point. However, Hevy found himself in a bad situation and almost considered going awol after his squad failed their practice runs to become official troopers. He and the rest of his squad were assigned to an outpost that protects Kamino. It is here where one of the most heroic sacrifices of the war is made.

Hevy was part of a squad tasked with retaking the Rishi moon outpost from Separatists, and they are forced to destroy it before it can be used against the Republic. With a faulty detonator, Hevy is forced to blow up the base manually, taking him with it. The moment is both awesome and saddening. Hevy, once again, took on his role as leader and sacrificed himself to save all of his brothers. He died with style and bravado, and of course with a typical Star Wars one-liner.



A casualty in the Carnage of Krell on Umbara

Waxer and Boil Clone Troopers

Died in

Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 4, episode 10 – “Carnage of Krell”

Waxer was a clone trooper under Commander Cody and was often assigned duties with his comrade Boil. They helped save Kenobi on the second battle of Geonosis and also helped protect a young Twi’lek named Numa during the Seige of Ryloth campaign. However, on Umbara, Waxer would meet his incredibly tragic and infuriating demise. Clones under the command of Jedi Master Pong Krell were assigned to attack local Umbarans, who he claimed were disguised in clone armor. In reality, Krell had turned traitor and sought to prove himself a potential Sith.

Captain Rex’s regiment and Waxer’s were given the orders and deceived into firing on each other. The casualties were massive, and when Rex found out about the plot, he ran over to Waxer’s side before he died. This moment follows a gross number of clone deaths in the Umbara arc, but upon learning that these were Krell’s intentional orders, Waxer’s death is even more tragic than a simple case of friendly fire. Krell wanted the clones to wipe each other out. This had been his plan the whole time as he started his turn to the dark side.

“It… It was General Krell. He sent us to these coordinates to stop the enemy. We thought they were wearing our armor, but it was… you.” Waxer to Rex before his death. Season four, episode ten: “Carnage of Krell”



The best clone had a special sacrifice

Died in

Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 3, episode 2 – “ARC Troopers”

The story of Kamino’s “maintenance clone” is a solemn tale of rejection because of disability. 99 was unable to perform like other clones, and because of that, he was rejected and sent to do clean-up work. Even this didn’t break 99, whose inspirational words helped many clones pass their final tests. 99 proved himself a hero nonetheless when the Separatists attacked Kamino, distributing arms and equipment and helping cadets.

99 knew this was a risky assignment, given his physical limitations. He showed his bravery despite this, refusing to back down, and was ultimately shot in the back twice, leaving the clones in mourning. This clone was a true soldier who sacrificed himself to help his brothers, inspiring the Bad Batch to follow in his pattern – as “Clone Force 99.”

“We lost a true soldier.”

“He really was one of us.” Rex and Cody on 99’s death



His death showed how clones were also victims of order 66

Jesse Accusing Rex Of Treason in Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Died in

Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 7, episode 12 – “ARC Troopers”

Jessie was one of the best clone troopers in the entire series. He lived through all of the war’s major campaigns, serving in the 501st Legion. He once took command of a recon mission after Rex was wounded, showing his sufficient leadership. These were also displayed when he went against Krell’s orders and was court-martialed and almost executed. Jesse was a disciple of Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano and was the most loyal soldier one could ask for. This made his order 66 betrayal hurt more than most.

During the Siege of Mandalore arc, Jesse and the 332nd were traveling back to Coruscant with Darth Maul in custody when Order 66 was initiated. Jesse obeyed the order, taking command of the troops after Rex was freed. Tragically, Rex was unable to reason with Jesse, and he died when the starship crashed; Ahsoka made a burial ground for all the troopers on board, and Jesse’s helmet is distinctly in the front. His death is a reminder that the clone troopers were victims in Order 66 as well.


Ima-Gun Di and Captain Keeli

Jedi and Captain go out together in the show’s best final stand

Jedi Master Ima-Gun-Di in Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 3.

Died in

Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 3, episode 3 – “Supply Lines”

Although they were only featured in one episode in The Clone Wars season 3, Jedi Master Di and Captain Keeli have one of the most memorable final stands in the entire series. Ima-Gun Di and Captain Keeli were attempting to have supplies brought in during the Battle of Ryloth when they met their demise. Gun-di famously rallied his troops by yelling out, “For the Twi’leks! For the republic!

When it looked as if all his troopers were lost and Di was alone, in came his Captain. The two fought side by side, taking blaster fire and eventually falling. Before his passing, Di got word that his supplies had gotten through the Separatist blockade, to which he responded, “The Twi’leks will live to fight another day.” His noble sacrifice is saddening because he was only featured for one episode, and his Captain stood with him until the end.

Ima-Gun Di’s name is, of course, a pun: “I’m-a gonna die.”


Steela Gerrera

The sister of Saw Gerrera died saving her homeworld

Saw and Steela Gerrera in Star Wars The Clone Wars.

Died in

Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 5, episode 5 – “Tipping Points”

Born on the planet Onderon, Steela, with the help of Lux Bonteri and her brother, helped end the Separatist rule of their homeworld. Steela and Saw sought to overthrow the Speratist proxy ruler Sanjay Rash and replace him with the former ruler of the planet, King Ramsis Dendup. A brave leader, Steela trained the Onderon rebels and paid the ultimate price to liberate the planet.

Steela tragically died despite Ahsoka Tano’s best efforts to save her, leaving the Jedi Padawan riddled with guilt. She has a lasting legacy in Saw Gerrera, her brother, who initially launched a mission to avenge his sister. This mission would last for decades, because Saw chose to become a rebel almost as soon as the Empire was formed, and even played a key role in the discovery of the Death Star plans in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.



Her death had a big impact on Ahsoka

Kalifa speaking to Ahsoka in Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 3

Died in

Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 3, episode 21 – “Padawan Lost”

A Jedi Padawan who had been taken prisoner by the Trandoshans, Kalifa was a passionate leader who cared deeply for her two friends, O-Mer and Jinx. She survived on the Trandoshan moon of Wasskah for a remarkable length of time, despite being hunted as prey, but met a tragic demise when Ahsoka Tano tried to encourage the Padawans to fight back. She took a sniper bolt through the heart.

Kalifa’s last thought was for her friends, asking Ahsoka to take care ofAs tragic as her death was, the impact her death had on Ahsoka was immense. Ahsoka’s leadership and confidence grew immensely. She also boosted the morale of others, helping them emotionally. Kalifa’s death was an important moment of growth for Ahsoka, transforming her into the battle-seasoned leader she was destined to become,


The Daughter

The Mortis goddess protected her father from her brother

The Mortis gods from Clone Wars in the foreground with the Mortis gods statues in Ahsoka in the background.

Died in

Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 3, episode 16 – “Altar of Mortis”

The Mortis Gods are avatars of the Force itself, each representing a different aspect. The Daughter stands for the light side, the Son represents the dark side, and the Father holds them both in balance. With the Father dying, Anakin Skywalker was brought to Mortis to replace him and fulfil what the Father believed to be his destiny as the Chosen One. Things didn’t go well, annd in the end the Son killed his sister – a tragedy marked by the Son’s rage, because the death was unintentional.

In the end, the Daughter chose to sacrifice herself to save the life of Ahsoka Tano – truly demonstrating her nobility. This case of sororicide is deeply impactful on the franchise as a whole, and the tragedy in it remains strong. The Daughter has a profound legacy through Ahsoka, and through the mysterious owl named Morai that accompanies Anakin Skywalker’s former Padawan – a remnant of the Daughter’s power, and perhaps something more.


Dutchess Satine

Her death was part of Maul’s revenge against Obi-Wan

Died in

Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 5, episode 16 – “The Lawless”

In my opinion, this is the saddest, most tragic death in Clone Wars. Introduced as ruler of Mandalore, Duchess Satine was deposed in a conspiracy devised by the Death Watch, and the planet was subsequently claimed by Darth Maul. Aware that Obi-Wan Kenobi cared deeply for Satine – they had fallen in love when Obi-Wan was a Padawan, and he would have left the Jedi had she asked him to – Maul used her as bait to trap his old rival.

Satine’s death is certainly the most brutal on this list, stabbed through the chest with the Darksaber. Satinne’s final words were a declaration of love to Obi-Wan as he wept, an emotional blow almost unparalleled in the Jedi Master’s experience. He would continue to honor Satine throughout his life, even taking up the name “Ben” during his exile to Tatooine because that was her affectionate nickname for him. The story of Satine is truly one of the saddest in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

“Remember my dear Obi-Wan, I’ve loved you always…I always will.”

Satine to Obi-Wan before her passing. Season 5, Episode 16: “The Lawless”

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